Friday, August 29, 2014

Grand Canyon I

I recently returned from a trip to the Grand Canyon. I'd never seen it from the top, only from the bottom. For my 21st birthday present, my Mom and I took a raft trip down the Colorado for 10 days. It was the most memorable trip I've ever taken. Unfortunately, my camera fell in the water on that trip so I have no images, except for the ones in my head, to remember it by.

I spent 4-5 days on each rim and was there to primarily photograph lightning but the weather didn't cooperate except for one day. But I had the privilege of seeing the canyon at both sunrise and sunset and was in awe of its beauty and the richness of its colors. I still have many images to process but these four are a start. I've been grumbling about how the sun flares look muddy when I covert the images to web jpgs.

More to come!